career blogs

PS&R’s Top Blogs for Job Seekers

Summer is a great time to do more reading, for work and for pleasure. We at Preferred Staffing & Recruiting love discovering new blogs and broadening our knowledge of all things job search related. Here are some of our favorite career related blogs that we’re reading right now:

Career Sherpa

Career Sherpa is full of helpful tips, tricks, and motivation for job seekers. We love the author’s positivity and focus on taking control of your job search. The site offers checklists and sample resume-related documents, as well as affordable virtual workshops. The Career Sherpa has been featured in many major publications, including USA Today and Forbes.


Ms. Career Girl

Our favorite part of this site is the Resume Optimization Tool that allows you to upload your resume and the job description of the position you are applying for. The tool then gives you a match rating and helps you optimize your resume so you can make it a better fit for that job. Ms. Career Girl also offers relationship advice, tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and help with planning your next vacation.  This blog hits the perfect balance of work and play!


Career Contessa

The founder of Career Contessa was a recruiter with the goal of helping women build successful and fulfilling careers. Her team has succeeded by offering articles on everything from cover letter advice to cultivating confidence to salary negotiation.

If you searching for a job opportunity OR if you are looking to hire new talent at your organization, PS&R is here to help. Reach us at 617.723.1919 or visit Happy reading!

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