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Why Temp to Perm is a Good Idea

A temp-to-perm position is a job that starts as an interim role with the potential to become a permanent placement. These jobs are typically filled by a staffing agency, and can be beneficial to both employers and workers, as they provide a flexible situation that allows each party to “test things out”. For employers, this arrangement helps them fill open positions quickly and efficiently. For the employee, it’s often an opportunity to gain experience and see if a long-term position with the company could be an option.

Why temp-to-perm is good for employers:

Reduction of risk:
Hiring a temporary employee gives you the chance to evaluate their skills and ability to do the job before you offer them a permanent position. Therefore, you are much more likely to end up with the right person in the role for the long term.

Save time & money:
Working with a staffing agency takes the lion’s share of recruiting, interviewing, and reference checking off your plate. Outsourcing this lengthy process will save you both money and time, and ultimately land you the perfect candidate to hire.

There is no requirement for you to take an employee on permanently when you enter into a temp-to-perm agreement, which gives you the ability to reevaluate the position and how you want to move forward with it.

Why temp-to-perm is good for workers:

Build your skillset and your resume:
If this role is just a place filler while you continue to look for a permanent opportunity, then this is a wonderful chance to learn some new skills and avoid a gap in your resume. Just make sure what you’re doing is in line with your long-term goals.

Chance to prove your value:
Maybe this is the role of your dreams? As a temporary employee you have the chance to show the company that you are an asset. They will know your full worth and potential if and when they are ready to offer you a package.

If you are looking to fill a temp-to-perm position in your office, PS&R can provide help!Call us at 617.723.1919 or visit us at

Why Your Company Should Implement Gamification

The concept of Gamification has been around for a while, but many companies still have not implemented the idea. If you need to ramp up employee motivation in your office and are not yet familiar with gamification practices, this article is for you!

What is Gamification?
Let’s start with the basics – what exactly is gamification? Gamification is the introduction of game play into business processes, with the intent to increase engagement and productivity from employees. The same concepts that draw people to physical games such as soccer and baseball, and thinking games like chess and Minecraft, can excite employees to participate more in the workplace.

Examples of Gamification
Here are a few ways you can introduce the concept of gamification into your workplace:
• Use points-based trivia and quizzes as part of employee training. This can help to better engage your employees with the material and give them ideas for possible areas of improvement.
• Unexpected, on the spot rewards can add excitement to the workplace and give an often-unnoticed employee a boost of confidence.
Goal tracking software that measures employee’s productivity with a progress bar is a great way to instill a sense of progress while also providing some healthy office competition.
• Everyone loves a special event or trip, so try a qualification-based event for employees to strive for. The higher the stakes, the harder your people will work to earn that prize!

Why use Gamification?
Gamification is a great tactic for creating a learning culture within your company. It will spice up company-wide training, help uncover knowledge gaps, and create effective onboarding processes. Gamification allows for greater collaboration and feedback loops in a fun environment. Implementing gamification in your workplace can help retain employees that are valuable to the company.

PS&R is happy to help you find the right people to add to your team. Call 617.723.1919 or email

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Why Work With PS&R?

There are so many staffing and recruiting agencies in the Boston area, so why work with PS&R? Three major themes set Preferred Staffing & Recruiting apart from other recruitment agencies to make us the obvious choice: Trust, Experience and Action.

Kathy Orcutt, founder and president of PS&R, is hands on with each and every client and candidate. Her professionalism coupled with her phenomenal listening skills put people at ease, confident in the knowledge that she is truly working for them.

PS&R was originally established in 1984. Now, with over thirty years of experience, we continue to provide top quality staffing services to companies and institutions in the Greater Boston area and beyond. Kathy’s team has placed temporary and direct hire candidates across all industries. Here is a sample of the job placements we specialize in:

Executive Placements
• Director of Operations
• CEO’s
• VP of Business and Strategic Partnerships
• SVP of Product
• VP of Product
• Director of Facilities

Engineering Placements
• Application Engineers
• Sales Engineers
• Manufacturing Engineers
• Director of Manufacturing
• Electrical Engineers
• Senior Process Engineers
• Engineering Managers
• Manufacturing Technicians

Finance/Accounting Placements
• Controllers
• Senior Accountants
• Staff Accountants
• Bookkeepers
• Payroll Managers
• Accounting Assistants

Office Support
• Executive Administrative Assistants
• Personal Assistants
• Administrative Assistants
• Office Managers
• Receptionists

It’s one thing to say you can place the right candidate but executing it is a whole different story! Our PS&R team succeeds because we treat every job opening as a new challenge, and we work tirelessly until the perfect match is found. We get back to our clients and candidates promptly with communication, so you know we are always at work helping you in your employment search.

Come and learn why Preferred Staffing & Recruiting’s collaborative and consultative approach makes us the best staffing agency in the greater Boston area and the perfect fit for you. Visit us at or call Kathy today at 617.723.1919.

Three Reasons to Use a Staffing Firm to find an Executive Administrator

The Executive Administrative Assistant is one of the most important – and difficult – positions to fill in any company. You need to find someone with the business acumen, emotional intelligence, and administrative competency to take on the challenging role of being the right-hand person to the leaders within your organization. In addition, you need someone who can guide these leaders, keep them on task, and handle each unique personality. Here are three reasons to use an experienced and knowledgeable staffing firm to help find your executive administrator:

1. Expertise. Preferred Staffing & Recruiting has been placing administrators for over thirty years. We know the experience and skills required in a candidate who will succeed at any given corporation.

2. Only See the Best. Posting a job online can result in an influx of applicants. Instead of sorting through hundreds of resumes followed by dozens of interviews to narrow down the talent pool, your recruiter can present you with top candidates right from the start.

3. Save time and money. Recruiting cannot be done passively; it is a strategic and time-consuming effort. Because we can find the right person right away, you avoid the extra expense of hiring for the same position more than once.

Preferred Staffing & Recruiting is a woman-owned staffing business providing permanent and temp to perm workforce solutions for Boston and beyond. Let us help you find your next great Executive Administrative Assistant by contacting us today!

Three Qualities of a Great Leader

On average, we spend thirty percent of our lives at work, so creating a workplace environment that is encouraging and productive is essential. We’ve all heard the tales of horrible bosses and temper-tantrum throwing executives. But there are many managers who boost morale and create a culture of collaboration and growth mindset. These are the leaders who motivate and inspire. These are the leaders we should all strive to become. PS&R has curated some traits that we believe distinguish a good boss from a great one.

  1. You’re Available.

A great manager is accessible and approachable. Having an open-door policy makes employees feel comfortable and trusting. When workers come to you, make sure you are a good listener and give their ideas credit. Provide feedback when appropriate and coaching when needed. Afterall, it’s a team you are trying to build so make sure your employees know you are working together.

  1. You Care.

There are many ways to care for the people who work for you. One impactful way of doing this is to provide a work culture that focuses on work-life balance. You can show that you value employees’ time by skipping unnecessary meetings and being open to a hybrid work schedule. Other ways to value your employees include providing a safe and comfortable work environment and offering competitive salaries and benefits.

  1. You’re Real.

Sharing details of your personal life will help employees get to know you better, make you seem more human, and give you more ways to connect. When you give someone a lens into your real-life struggles and how you cope with them, it opens the door to becoming a mentor.

If you are looking to hire an excellent leader, PS&R would love to help. Contact us at 617.723.1919.

top recruiting firms, recruiting agent, executive recruiter, recruitment manager, best recruiting firm MA

Is Now The Right Time To Consider Temporary Employment?

You’ve been searching and searching, but after months you still haven’t landed that perfect job. You might not have considered it yet, but temporary employment has many benefits, especially in our current job market. PS&R knows that temporary employment is often a great bridge to a permanent position. Read on for help determining if a temp gig might be the right move for you.

You need to find work quickly. If you’ve been unemployed for a while and need to find a job fast, a temporary role may be your best option. Typically, employers look to contract workers when there is an immediate need; so the hiring process moves more quickly. If your top priority is a paycheck, applying for a temp position could be a great idea.

You aren’t certain where your career is going. If your career goals are unclear, or you are thinking of switching industries, temporary roles are a great way to test the water. Most temp jobs have a set assignment end date, so you’ll know how long you’ll be committed and when you can start the next position. It’s also a great opportunity to try out a new role or even a brand-new industry.

You need more time. It is unlikely that you will be taking temporary work home with you at night, and some temp assignments are part-time. This should give you ample free time to continue your search for a direct placement, ensuring you don’t lose important momentum.

PS&R has been assisting Boston area employers and candidates find the right fit for over thirty years. Whether you are looking for a temporary role or direct placement; we’re here to help. Contact us at 617.723.1919 or visit our website at


career blogs

PS&R’s Top Blogs for Job Seekers

Summer is a great time to do more reading, for work and for pleasure. We at Preferred Staffing & Recruiting love discovering new blogs and broadening our knowledge of all things job search related. Here are some of our favorite career related blogs that we’re reading right now:

Career Sherpa

Career Sherpa is full of helpful tips, tricks, and motivation for job seekers. We love the author’s positivity and focus on taking control of your job search. The site offers checklists and sample resume-related documents, as well as affordable virtual workshops. The Career Sherpa has been featured in many major publications, including USA Today and Forbes.


Ms. Career Girl

Our favorite part of this site is the Resume Optimization Tool that allows you to upload your resume and the job description of the position you are applying for. The tool then gives you a match rating and helps you optimize your resume so you can make it a better fit for that job. Ms. Career Girl also offers relationship advice, tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and help with planning your next vacation.  This blog hits the perfect balance of work and play!


Career Contessa

The founder of Career Contessa was a recruiter with the goal of helping women build successful and fulfilling careers. Her team has succeeded by offering articles on everything from cover letter advice to cultivating confidence to salary negotiation.

If you searching for a job opportunity OR if you are looking to hire new talent at your organization, PS&R is here to help. Reach us at 617.723.1919 or visit Happy reading!

Tips for Improving Employee Retention

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of workers to rethink their present employment situation. Not surprisingly, those who are choosing to find a new opportunity are ultimately searching for a more meaningful and fulfilling job. They are also looking for employers that care about their personal well-being. PS&R has come up with some strategies to help you with employee retention.

Recognize milestones to promote teamwork. All employees deserve to be recognized, not just your very top performers. Celebrating team milestones is a great way to make everyone feel included and valued.

Start employees on the right foot. This means thorough onboarding and an orientation process that introduces the new hire to company culture. Also inform them on feedback loops, timing and process of reviews and other communication touchpoints – this will show them you truly care about their future success with the organization.

Make wellness a priority. The pandemic has prompted many employers to increase their wellness offerings to employees, and for good reason. Employees are putting a greater focus on their work-life balance and their overall physical and emotional health. This means employers also must make it a priority if they plan to retain workers. Consider additional live and virtual wellness offerings, flex work schedules, and increased training and mentoring programs.

It’s easy to avoid the cascading fallout after the loss of an MVP if you use the tips above. If your employees know you’re there for them, they will be there for your company.  When your organization is looking to make the next great hire, PS&R can help. Call us at 617.723.1919 to learn more.

Perfecting Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a great tool for job seekers and employers alike. While your LinkedIn profile will repeat much of the information provided on your resume, it is a unique place to showcase your story and share additional details. Preferred Staffing & Recruiting gathered some tips to help you manage and get the most out of your LinkedIn profile.

  1. Make sure it’s complete

LinkedIn does you the favor of rating your profile strength. And it’s true that a more completed profile – or “All Star” profile – will get more views. In fact, LinkedIn purports that users who have a completed profile are forty times more likely to find a new opportunity through their site. Start by uploading a recent professional photo as your profile picture. Continue and complete all other sections of your profile. To gain All Star status, filling out each section is not always enough. You will need at least five skills listed and at least fifty connections. Be thorough and provide as much content as you can.

  1. Give a recommendation to get one

A LinkedIn recommendation is just like a reference from a former boss or employer and can carry a lot of weight. If you take the time to give a recommendation to someone, they are likely to return the favor.  Make a goal to have at least one recommendation from every job listed on your profile.

  1. Find ways to stand out

There are a lot of impactful areas on your LinkedIn profile where a little attention can really make you stand out.  For example, everyone uses key words throughout their profile. But focusing your key words in your Summary and Experience sections will really help make your profile shine.  When you’re using key words, it’s important not to sue the same words and phrases that everyone else is using. LinkedIn published the most used “buzzwords” in 2018, you can see that list of words to avoid here.

Customizing your URL is another great way to differentiate your profile.  Linked in automatically generates a random URL web address for your profile, but you have the option to customize this to something more relevant and more concise.  This will also make you easier to find, especially if you have a common name.

Finally, adding a background image is a great way to make your profile stand out. Most people stop at a just a headshot, but adding the narrow background image will help potential employers trigger a memory of your profile. Make sure the photo is attractive, eye catching, and professional. It could be a stock image of something you enjoy, a nature picture, or a photo of you working or doing something you love.

PS&R is a woman-owned business that has been helping job seekers and employers since 1984. Our collaborative and consultive approach makes us stand out from other executive recruiters. For more information and to find out how we can help you, contact Kathy Orcutt at 617.723.1919.

staffing agency, executive recruiter

Get The Most Out Of Your Staffing Agency

If you only call your staffing firm when you have a specific job to fill, you are likely not using them to their full potential. Here are some ways to take advantage of everything your recruiting firm can offer you:

  1. Increase your access to talent. We use a wide range of sites and tools to track down both active and passive candidates. Working closely with a staffing agency can give you access to candidates you otherwise wouldn’t know about.
  2. Stay connected. Maintain regular contact with your executive recruiting firm so that they keep you top of mind. Touching base often and reminding them of the type of candidate you typically look to hire will make it more likely they will think of you when a talented candidate is uncovered.
  3. Learn about trends. Your staffing firm knows the ins and outs of the current local hiring market. Why do the hard work yourself when you have a great partner who’s already done it for you?

Preferred Staffing & Recruiting’s collaborative and consultative approach makes us the best staffing agency in the greater Boston area and the perfect fit for you.  Visit us at or call Kathy Orcutt today at 617.723.1919.