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Five Tips for Mastering the Virtual Interview

If you land an interview right now, it will most likely take place using Zoom or another video conferencing app. And let’s be honest, we might be doing virtual interviews for the foreseeable future! If you haven’t used Zoom, it is fairly straightforward. The employer will do the work of setting up the meeting information, so all you need to do is make sure you are comfortable with the technology. Here are some tips from PS&R to help perfect your Zoom interviews.

  1. Know what you’re doing. Get the app set up on your device well ahead of time. Practice with a friend or relative to ensure there are no audio or other issues. Make sure your profile name is your first and last name. If you have other people in the household who also use the app, they could have changed the profile name to just about anything. You want the interviewer to see your name while you are speaking to one another.
  2. Find the right setting. You will need a quiet and private place to take the interview. For people with a busy household, this could mean that a laundry room or walk-in closet are the only viable options. These spaces could be messy or potentially distracting to your interviewer. Thankfully, Zoom offers virtual backgrounds. If you can’t interview in a space that is appropriate, test out a few backgrounds ahead of time and choose a simple one that you like the best.
  3. Dress appropriately. Pick out clothing that you would wear to an in-person interview, and make sure it’s pressed and stain-free. Just because you are not face-to-face doesn’t mean these details will go unnoticed.
  4. Be mindful of your speech and body language. Video conferencing apps tend to be glitchy, even with the best internet connection. Using a slow and steady pace when you speak will help avoid any misunderstandings and will show that you are calm and confident. The interviewer will be watching you the entire time, so it’s important to remain professional and not inadvertently react to an incoming text message or a child calling from another room.
  5. Prepare ahead of time. Just like any other interview, you should have answers ready for the most common questions. Also write down any questions you might have and keep them handy. If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. As we mentioned before, the Zoom app isn’t perfect and it can sometimes freeze for a second or two, so if you aren’t sure what was communicated be sure to get confirmation.

It’s likely that even when things do return to “normal”, virtual interviews will be used more frequently. There’s no better time than now to use these tips to become a pro!

PS&R’s experienced executive recruiting team is here for you during your job search, or if you are the one doing the hiring. Feel free to contact us at 617.723.1919.

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