Why Your Company Should Implement Gamification

The concept of Gamification has been around for a while, but many companies still have not implemented the idea. If you need to ramp up employee motivation in your office and are not yet familiar with gamification practices, this article is for you!

What is Gamification?
Let’s start with the basics – what exactly is gamification? Gamification is the introduction of game play into business processes, with the intent to increase engagement and productivity from employees. The same concepts that draw people to physical games such as soccer and baseball, and thinking games like chess and Minecraft, can excite employees to participate more in the workplace.

Examples of Gamification
Here are a few ways you can introduce the concept of gamification into your workplace:
• Use points-based trivia and quizzes as part of employee training. This can help to better engage your employees with the material and give them ideas for possible areas of improvement.
• Unexpected, on the spot rewards can add excitement to the workplace and give an often-unnoticed employee a boost of confidence.
Goal tracking software that measures employee’s productivity with a progress bar is a great way to instill a sense of progress while also providing some healthy office competition.
• Everyone loves a special event or trip, so try a qualification-based event for employees to strive for. The higher the stakes, the harder your people will work to earn that prize!

Why use Gamification?
Gamification is a great tactic for creating a learning culture within your company. It will spice up company-wide training, help uncover knowledge gaps, and create effective onboarding processes. Gamification allows for greater collaboration and feedback loops in a fun environment. Implementing gamification in your workplace can help retain employees that are valuable to the company.

PS&R is happy to help you find the right people to add to your team. Call 617.723.1919 or email kathy@psandr.com.

Tips for Improving Employee Retention

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of workers to rethink their present employment situation. Not surprisingly, those who are choosing to find a new opportunity are ultimately searching for a more meaningful and fulfilling job. They are also looking for employers that care about their personal well-being. PS&R has come up with some strategies to help you with employee retention.

Recognize milestones to promote teamwork. All employees deserve to be recognized, not just your very top performers. Celebrating team milestones is a great way to make everyone feel included and valued.

Start employees on the right foot. This means thorough onboarding and an orientation process that introduces the new hire to company culture. Also inform them on feedback loops, timing and process of reviews and other communication touchpoints – this will show them you truly care about their future success with the organization.

Make wellness a priority. The pandemic has prompted many employers to increase their wellness offerings to employees, and for good reason. Employees are putting a greater focus on their work-life balance and their overall physical and emotional health. This means employers also must make it a priority if they plan to retain workers. Consider additional live and virtual wellness offerings, flex work schedules, and increased training and mentoring programs.

It’s easy to avoid the cascading fallout after the loss of an MVP if you use the tips above. If your employees know you’re there for them, they will be there for your company.  When your organization is looking to make the next great hire, PS&R can help. Call us at 617.723.1919 to learn more.